The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has caused many people to question their social actions in the face of it. Despite being anti-COVID-19 compliant, people still gather together at social gatherings, even when the menu is missing. The Merriam Webster dictionary has added new words to its treasure trove of neologisms, such as social distancing, index case and super spreader, and the French Academy has concluded that the linguistic gender is feminine and coronavirus is masculine. People have postponed their weddings because they want to have a wedding with the usual crowd, and some have whittled down their wedding size to a unitary number, not even double digits. However, the virus is still the unseen enemy that has even reinforced itself by mutating into different variants now present in more than 60 countries. The national call to link our National Identification Number (NIN) to our phone numbers is a temptation to kiss the virus, and the new variants are more transmissible. Vaccines are being rolled out, and getting vaccines is not an open season to attending social engagements.