This year's science landscape is set to be shaped by a huge asteroid, Quadrantids, rising temperatures, tropical cyclones, COVID-19 variants of concern, Moon and Mars missions, United Nations push to save biodiversity, earth tremors in North Central and South-West Nigeria, Nigeria's quest to send a manned mission to space, and advances in particle physics. The space rock 7482 (1994 PC1) is a potentially hazardous object that will be close to the earth on January 18, 2022, at 16:51 ET (21:51 GMT). It will have a magnitude of 10 when it gets close, putting it out of reach for the naked eye and most binoculars, but should be visible using a back garden telescope. The Quadrantids, which peak during early-January each year, are considered to be one of the best yearly meteor showers, and are especially known for their bright "fireball" meteors that leave large explosions of light and colour.