Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are typical queries or worries that people frequently inquire about a specific subject, good, service, or circumstance. These inquiries frequently come up because they address typical problems or ask for clarity on crucial ideas. This section provide quick answers to frequently asked questions on our services and National Library of Nigeria as a whole.
You may fill the contact form if you need more explanation, thanks.
General FAQs
The Library open from 8.00am - 4.00pm from Monday - Friday except on Public Holiday.
Yes, we offer online services 24/7. Please check our Service Menu for our online services.
Yes our online Public Access Catalogue can link you to main library and the law library via Hybrid Library
Yes, we welcome the public to have access to our library.
IS&P Department
International Standard & Processing Department
International Standard Serial Number
A publication, in any medium, issued in successive parts, usually having numerical or chronological designation and intended to be continued with no pre-determined end. Serials include periodicals, newspapers, annuals, journals, series, memoirs, proceedings and transactions, etc. of societies.
The ISSN is an eight-digit number which identifies periodical publications as such, including electronic serials. ISSN numbers are assigned by a centrally coordinated network and are meant to be used widely by all the partners in the information chain.
The ISSN Network is made up of National Centers whose work is coordinated by the ISSN International Centre situated in Paris.
The ISSN Network was established to control the assignment of ISSN, to maintain a Database of records for the world's serial publications, and to act as the standards of authority.
When the title of the publication is changed.
When the medium of publication changes (e.g. from printed publication to electronic publication).
Merger with other serials, supplements, other editions should be submitted to the Centre which may decide that separate ISSN are needed.
When the medium of publication changes (e.g. from printed publication to electronic publication).
Merger with other serials, supplements, other editions should be submitted to the Centre which may decide that separate ISSN are needed.
The title should be unique, concise and distinctive.
Avoid words indicating frequency and acronyms.
Avoid words indicating frequency and acronyms.
Clearly distinguish your title from any sub-titles.
The title should be the same from one issue to the other.
The information on the masthead should be stated clearly.
The title should be the same from one issue to the other.
The information on the masthead should be stated clearly.
Yes, the ISSN is used as the identification code by EAN 13, the major bar coding symbol used in commercial distribution throughout the world.
ISSN are assigned to Serial Publications while ISBN are assigned to Monographs (Books).
Yes, all serial publications covered by legal deposit must have an ISSN
International Standard Book Number
The ISBN is a unique international identifier for monographic (book) publications. It is a 13-digit number e.g. 978-978-8201-11-3 that identifies a book for purposes of commerce and control.
Global ordering and distribution of books is mainly executed by ISBN
Compilation and updating of book trade directories and bibliographic databases, such as catalogue of Books-In-Print.
It is needed for the running of electronic point of sale systems in bookshops.
Compilation and updating of book trade directories and bibliographic databases, such as catalogue of Books-In-Print.
It is needed for the running of electronic point of sale systems in bookshops.
Monograph (books) or e-publications.
The thirteen (13) digit ISBN number is divided into five parts separated clearly by hyphens or spaces. e.g 978-978-8201-09-0. This number should be printed on the:
Verso title page of each publication.
Base of the title page.
Base of the spine.
The back of the cover in nine-point or larger.
The back of the dust-jacket and on the back of any other protector
Verso title page of each publication.
Base of the title page.
Base of the spine.
The back of the cover in nine-point or larger.
The back of the dust-jacket and on the back of any other protector
It is desirable that ALL books are identified by ISBNs.
Yes, different formats need different ISBNs.
A significant change of text requires a new ISBN. If revisions have been made, this should be stated on the verso of the title page that the book is a revised edition and the new ISBN should be printed there.
No, not if there is no change of text, format, or binding that would justify a new ISBN.
An ISBN must be allocated to the whole set of volumes of a multi-volume work, as well as individual volumes of the set.
A multi volume set is a work published in more than one physical volume and not open- ended in nature. In order words, there is a definite amount of information and a planned end to the publication. By contrast, a monographic series is open-ended with no foreseeable end.
Yes, a new title requires a new ISBN.
In the case of a joint publication, an ISBN is assigned by the publisher in charge of distribution.
Yes, a Publisher is a group, organization, company or individual who is responsible for originating the product of a publication and also bears the cost/financial risk.
Maintaining a register of ISBN that have been assigned to published and forth coming books. This register should be kept in numerical sequence showing ISBN author, title, edition statements etc.
Forwarding a list of publications with their used ISBN to the National Agency before asking for new assignment of ISBN.
Delivering within one month of publication at his own expense to the National Library of Nigeria, three (3) copies of the book or as the case may be for State and Federal Government publications.
Forwarding a list of publications with their used ISBN to the National Agency before asking for new assignment of ISBN.
Delivering within one month of publication at his own expense to the National Library of Nigeria, three (3) copies of the book or as the case may be for State and Federal Government publications.
It is an acronym for the programme called Cataloguing-in-Publication.
There is a direct relationship between the two. ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number. ISBN must be obtained from our ISBN/ISSN Agency in order to qualify for the CIP programme. ISBN is one of the bibliographic elements that will be included in the CIP data.
All Nigerian Publishers that have obtained ISBN and are intending to publish in Nigeria can apply for CIP data.
All monographs (i.e. books) published in Nigeria which bear a Nigerian town/city as a place of publication and are likely to be acquired by Libraries are eligible for CIP.
Ø Obtain ISBN;
Ø Submit copies of preliminary pages of your forthcoming titles;
Ø Obtain CIP data sheet and fill them;
Ø Submit CIP data sheet to the CIP unit for processing.
Ø Submit copies of preliminary pages of your forthcoming titles;
Ø Obtain CIP data sheet and fill them;
Ø Submit CIP data sheet to the CIP unit for processing.
There is no relationship between the CIP Programme and Copyright registration.
The main objective of CIPS is to describe the bibliographic characteristics of a work and thereby facilitate access to it in library catalogue.
The main objective of CIPS is to describe the bibliographic characteristics of a work and thereby facilitate access to it in library catalogue.
There is no charge for CIP processing. However, participating publishers are obligated to send three, ten and twenty five copies of private, State government and Federal government publications respectively to our Legal deposit office.
Cataloguing-In-Publication (CIP) data is available only for works that are not yet published.
Most CIP data are completed within ten (10) working days (two weeks) of the receipt of these materials in the CIP office, a copy of the data will be returned to you for printing in the book, usually on the verso of the title-page.
Most CIP data are completed within ten (10) working days (two weeks) of the receipt of these materials in the CIP office, a copy of the data will be returned to you for printing in the book, usually on the verso of the title-page.
The first city/town mentioned will determine which National CIP programme should supply the CIP data for example, if Abuja, Abidjan, Accra and Lome are used in the imprint with the name of only one Publisher, the National Library of Nigeria will be responsible, since Abuja is mentioned first.
Two sets of CIP data - may be obtained. In case of Longman, Macmillan, UPL etc., the National Library of Nigeria will supply one set and the British Library a second and it is left to the Publisher to decide which one he should print in the book. There is no need to print the two sets of data in the same book.
The CIP data should be printed without alteration on the verso page i.e. the reverse page of the title page and with the heading: National Library of Nigeria CIP data.
Yes. You will be advised and assisted with the layout of your forth-coming titles - Stimulate sales by including it in the NBN.
- Foster cooperation between Publishers, Authors, Booksellers and Librarians.
- Foster cooperation between Publishers, Authors, Booksellers and Librarians.
Legal Department
Legal Department
There are three categories of publishers specified in the Act: Category 1: Private Publishers; Category 2: Federal Government: Ministries, Parastatals and Agencies. Category 3: State Government: Ministries, Parastatals and Agencies.
Information source that is published in Nigeria. The Act is section 4 sub-section (7) defines the "Book" thus:
a) "All literary work such as Books, Pamphlets, sheets of music, maps, charts, plans, tables and compilations.
b) Dramatic works.
c) Collective works such as Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Yearbooks, Newspapers, Magazines and Periodicals.
d) "All forms in which documentary or oral records are published". This means legal deposit is also for non-book materials, home videos, films, cassettes etc. and even electronic publications. The best copies of each publications should be deposited.
a) "All literary work such as Books, Pamphlets, sheets of music, maps, charts, plans, tables and compilations.
b) Dramatic works.
c) Collective works such as Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Yearbooks, Newspapers, Magazines and Periodicals.
d) "All forms in which documentary or oral records are published". This means legal deposit is also for non-book materials, home videos, films, cassettes etc. and even electronic publications. The best copies of each publications should be deposited.
The number of copies of published materials to be deposited varies with the categories of publishers.
Private publishers are to deposit three (3) copies each of their publications. Federal government and its a gencies are to deposit twenty-five(25) copies each of their publications.
State government and its agencies are to deposit ten(10) copies each of their Publications.
Private publishers are to deposit three (3) copies each of their publications. Federal government and its a gencies are to deposit twenty-five(25) copies each of their publications.
State government and its agencies are to deposit ten(10) copies each of their Publications.
PRS Department
Planning, Research and Development Department
The Nigerbiblios is an official journal of National Library of Nigeria. I ti s a peer review journal covering all areas of Librarianship as well as emerging technologies in information and knowledge management. The Journal seeks to promote scholarship research in Library and Information Science.
Bi-Annual (twice a year)
1. Only Electronic copy should be send via nigerbiblios Email.
2. Contributions should not exceed fifteen (15) pages in length, typed 12 font size and double spacing using Microsoft Office word.
3. An Abstract should not be more than 150 word citing the following
(a) Background and purpose of study
(b) Method using incliding description of subjects research materials and analytical as well as main findings and conclusions
(c) All references must be in line with current edition of the publication manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) format.
2. Contributions should not exceed fifteen (15) pages in length, typed 12 font size and double spacing using Microsoft Office word.
3. An Abstract should not be more than 150 word citing the following
(a) Background and purpose of study
(b) Method using incliding description of subjects research materials and analytical as well as main findings and conclusions
(c) All references must be in line with current edition of the publication manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) format.
You can send your publication to National Library of Nigeria via our email channel
All payments should be made in favour of National Library of Nigeria through the Treasury Single Account TSA (Remita Platform) and evidence of payment should be sent to the Editor in Chief via Nigerbiblios email address.
A non refundable assessment fee of Seven thousand naira (7.000) and after the assessment/review, the author will have to pay eight thousand naira publication fee totaling fifteen thousand naira only.
Yes, because it’s a professional journal.
No, Nigerbiblios welcomes articles from Librarians, Information Science, Docunemtalists, and Researchers in the Library and Information Science profession.
Yes, its beneficial to researchers, teachers and other information seekers.
Yes, it has been registered and approved by Ajol (African Journals Online).